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# Weather Condition Map
RookieTerry's avatar
RookieTerry committed

This full-stack project visualize real-time/past position and weather data by Google Map SDK and Echarts, and it is the final assignment of the Urban Computing module in Trinity College Dublin.
- Frontend: Vite, React.js, Material UI, Echarts
- Backend: Google Firebase Real-time database, Express, Node.js
- Data Analysis: pandas and sklearn in Python
RookieTerry's avatar
RookieTerry committed

## How to Run
First, pull the repo to your own laptop:
RookieTerry's avatar
RookieTerry committed

git clone WeatherConditionMap

You can see the directories named `frontend` and `backend` respectively. Install their dependencies separately, by using the command:

npm install

Before running the project, do not forget to configure the `.env.local` file in the root directory of both `frontend` and `backend`. The `.env.local` file of frontend should look like:


Similarly, the `.env.local` file of backend should look like:


Replace the "xxxxxx" into yours, and check the `vite.config.js` file in the `frontend` directory as well. You also need to add your own `serviceAccountKey.json` from your Google Firebase console.

Enter the `backend` first, and execute the command:

npm start

You should see the output `App listening on port 5000`. Similarly, enter the `frontend` directory and execute the command:

npm run dev

The project should be ready to go. Enjoy!

## To-do List

- [ ] display current weather condition of current position
- [ ] predict future weather condition
- [x] deploy this web application on the cloud (e.g. Heroku, Vercel)